My Little Secret
員工朋友專屬優惠: MLKOS15
於My Little Korner網店購買正價產品可獲85折優惠
- 此優惠只適用於My Little Korner網店購買正價產品,並需於結帳時輸入指定優惠碼以享優惠
- 此優惠不可與其他優惠及折扣同時使用
- 此優惠不可兌換現金或其他產品
- 如對此優惠有疑問,請whatsapp (852) 6018 6915 或電郵至 與 My Little Korner 聯絡
- My Little Korner 保留隨時更改、取消有關條款及活動之權利,而毋須另行通知
- 如對此優惠活動有任何爭議,My Little Korner 保留最終決定權
Promo code for our Staff's Friends: MLKOS15
Terms & Conditions
15% off sitewide at My Little Korner website for regular-priced items only
- This offer is applicable to the purchase on regular-priced items at My Little Korner online store only. Please enter the promo code when checking out to enjoy the offer.
- This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion & discount offers.
- The offer is non-exchangeable for cash or other products.
- If you have questions about this offer, please contact My Little Korner at (852) 6018 6915 via Whatsapp or email
- My Little Korner may revise, or cancel these terms and conditions and the promotion offer at any time without prior notice.
- In case of any dispute, My Little Korner reserves the right of final decision on all related matters.