Smartivity - 太空射擊遊戲

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外星人來了! 只有你可以擊落它們。 在高軌道防禦站上佔據位置,鎖定導彈,遵循發射規則並開火! 引爆入侵的外星人,拯救太陽系……這款令人驚嘆的 STEAM 教育拼裝玩具將射擊遊戲的刺激感與日與夜、日食、行星齒輪機構和地球自轉等概念的核心學習融為一體。

所以,做好準備吧! 並且,與 Smartivity Space Shooters 一起開始激動人心的太空冒險。 請記住,世界末日時鍾正在滴答作響!

- 拼搭您的智能太空射擊遊戲 STEAM 教育玩具,並準備好享受您拼搭的 2 人遊戲帶來的樂趣。
- 輪流擲骰子。
- 旋轉圓盤並使地球和月球沿著各自的軌道移動。
- 遵循你的骰子帶你到達的地點的導彈發射規則。 用導彈瞄準外星飛船...然後射擊!
- 擊落最多外星飛船的玩家贏得了遊戲。

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Smartivity Features

STEAM is the Future.

STEAM jobs are growing 1.7x more than non-STEAM jobs. We felt that Indian education made children incapable of facing future challenges. We designed toys that incorporated the power of play with the fun of learning

While the world had moved on, the toy industry in India, we felt, was stuck in the past. There was hardly any innovation, with the bulk of the toys being imported from China. We wanted to create affordable and accessible toys that are proudly made in India.

With family units getting smaller and screen time longer, we felt the need to design toys that could help family members spend quality time together