Smartivity - Weighing Machine

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Introduce your kid to the rather bewildering world of different measuring systems in a fun and engaging way. Bring home the Smartivity Weighing Machine that your kid can build from scratch and learn about weight conversions, springs, and rack and pinion mechanism.

Come with a Gift Box

Smartivity Features

STEAM is the Future.

STEAM jobs are growing 1.7x more than non-STEAM jobs. We felt that Indian education made children incapable of facing future challenges. We designed toys that incorporated the power of play with the fun of learning

While the world had moved on, the toy industry in India, we felt, was stuck in the past. There was hardly any innovation, with the bulk of the toys being imported from China. We wanted to create affordable and accessible toys that are proudly made in India.

With family units getting smaller and screen time longer, we felt the need to design toys that could help family members spend quality time together